Wittner Logotype

This is a lettering I created for a wheet beer label.

Savanyú Pecsenye Poster Design

This is a poster design I creeated for an event which was centered around the recipie book of the famous Hungarian type designer Nicholas Kis.

Poodle 'a' Lettering

This is a lettering I created as an experiment.

Playground Emblem

This is the emblem I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.


This is a logo we created in collaboration with my students for a school exhibition, CSONTVÁRY100 and NAPÚTFESTŐ100.

Herb Lubalin 100 Lettering

I created this lettering as a tribute to Herb Lubalin in 2018. It recieved the first prize of the MATT Lubalin100 event.

Iparty Logo

This is a logo we created for a design school event (Ipartraszállás) in Békéscsaba, while I was a teacher there.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo

This is the logo I've created for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Fajó Alkotó Sans

This is a custom font, we've created in collaboration with Hungarumlaut for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Zsolnay 165 Logo

This is a logo I created with my students for an exhibiton for the celebration of the famous Hungarian porcelain manufacturer Zsolnay's 165th year in business.

Alef / Omega Emblem

I was asked to design this combined glyph for a memorial plaque of a teacher, a couple of years ago. He was very religious in the beginning of his life, but later he turned to science. The idea was to draw a form that symbolises his journey by brining together the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet ( א ), with the last letter of the Greek alphabet ( Ω ) into one.

Kass 25

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

The Sympathies Lettering

This is a lettering I created for the band, the Sympathies.

Kass Illustration 2

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan ampersand details

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono f

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Luttor Sript Spaghetti animation

This is an animation using Luttor Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly g details

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Virandek Logotype

This is a logo design using Cinke Sans for a Hungarian delivery company specialised in gifts and flowers.

Cinke Sans Eszett

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan Percent

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Flour House

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono At

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Custom Typface in Animation

This is an animation with a custom typface project.

Cinke Mono Keyboard 2

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Glass Type

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Specimen

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script At

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Poet&Vuj Lettering

This is an unsed lettering I made for the channel Poet&Vuj.

Cinke Mono Bird

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Specimen

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic with Coordinates

This is a sample fromPhechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Playground Logotype

This is a logotype based on Kass I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.

Handbuch des wahren Freundes – Lettering

This is an unused lettering I created for the cover of a book.

Cinke Sans Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Tarp

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Ampersand

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Variable Animation

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Code Sample

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen 2

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque with Coordinates

This is a sample from Phechque. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Keyboard

This is a render using Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan a Animation

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Bezier

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue f

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic Ampersand

This is a sample from Phechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Numbers

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Illustration 1

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Wrapped

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo Animation

This is an animation part of the rebranding of a design school in Békéscsaba.

Harkaly Ampersand

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly £65

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke TDC Award

Cinketype recieved a TDC award for Crow Script in 2024.

Phechque Modern 27

This is a sample from Phechque Modern. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Graphic

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cloudburst Logotype

This is a logotype I made for a Swiss, impact first clothing start-up.

Wittner Logotype

This is a lettering I created for a wheet beer label.

Savanyú Pecsenye Poster Design

This is a poster design I creeated for an event which was centered around the recipie book of the famous Hungarian type designer Nicholas Kis.

Poodle 'a' Lettering

This is a lettering I created as an experiment.

Playground Emblem

This is the emblem I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.


This is a logo we created in collaboration with my students for a school exhibition, CSONTVÁRY100 and NAPÚTFESTŐ100.

Herb Lubalin 100 Lettering

I created this lettering as a tribute to Herb Lubalin in 2018. It recieved the first prize of the MATT Lubalin100 event.

Iparty Logo

This is a logo we created for a design school event (Ipartraszállás) in Békéscsaba, while I was a teacher there.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo

This is the logo I've created for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Fajó Alkotó Sans

This is a custom font, we've created in collaboration with Hungarumlaut for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Zsolnay 165 Logo

This is a logo I created with my students for an exhibiton for the celebration of the famous Hungarian porcelain manufacturer Zsolnay's 165th year in business.

Alef / Omega Emblem

I was asked to design this combined glyph for a memorial plaque of a teacher, a couple of years ago. He was very religious in the beginning of his life, but later he turned to science. The idea was to draw a form that symbolises his journey by brining together the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet ( א ), with the last letter of the Greek alphabet ( Ω ) into one.

Kass 25

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

The Sympathies Lettering

This is a lettering I created for the band, the Sympathies.

Kass Illustration 2

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan ampersand details

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono f

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Luttor Sript Spaghetti animation

This is an animation using Luttor Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly g details

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Virandek Logotype

This is a logo design using Cinke Sans for a Hungarian delivery company specialised in gifts and flowers.

Cinke Sans Eszett

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan Percent

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Flour House

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono At

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Custom Typface in Animation

This is an animation with a custom typface project.

Cinke Mono Keyboard 2

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Glass Type

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Specimen

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script At

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Poet&Vuj Lettering

This is an unsed lettering I made for the channel Poet&Vuj.

Cinke Mono Bird

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Specimen

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic with Coordinates

This is a sample fromPhechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Playground Logotype

This is a logotype based on Kass I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.

Handbuch des wahren Freundes – Lettering

This is an unused lettering I created for the cover of a book.

Cinke Sans Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Tarp

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Ampersand

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Variable Animation

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Code Sample

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen 2

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque with Coordinates

This is a sample from Phechque. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Keyboard

This is a render using Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan a Animation

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Bezier

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue f

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic Ampersand

This is a sample from Phechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Numbers

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Illustration 1

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Wrapped

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo Animation

This is an animation part of the rebranding of a design school in Békéscsaba.

Harkaly Ampersand

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly £65

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke TDC Award

Cinketype recieved a TDC award for Crow Script in 2024.

Phechque Modern 27

This is a sample from Phechque Modern. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Graphic

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cloudburst Logotype

This is a logotype I made for a Swiss, impact first clothing start-up.

Wittner Logotype

This is a lettering I created for a wheet beer label.

Savanyú Pecsenye Poster Design

This is a poster design I creeated for an event which was centered around the recipie book of the famous Hungarian type designer Nicholas Kis.

Poodle 'a' Lettering

This is a lettering I created as an experiment.

Playground Emblem

This is the emblem I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.


This is a logo we created in collaboration with my students for a school exhibition, CSONTVÁRY100 and NAPÚTFESTŐ100.

Herb Lubalin 100 Lettering

I created this lettering as a tribute to Herb Lubalin in 2018. It recieved the first prize of the MATT Lubalin100 event.

Iparty Logo

This is a logo we created for a design school event (Ipartraszállás) in Békéscsaba, while I was a teacher there.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo

This is the logo I've created for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Fajó Alkotó Sans

This is a custom font, we've created in collaboration with Hungarumlaut for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Zsolnay 165 Logo

This is a logo I created with my students for an exhibiton for the celebration of the famous Hungarian porcelain manufacturer Zsolnay's 165th year in business.

Alef / Omega Emblem

I was asked to design this combined glyph for a memorial plaque of a teacher, a couple of years ago. He was very religious in the beginning of his life, but later he turned to science. The idea was to draw a form that symbolises his journey by brining together the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet ( א ), with the last letter of the Greek alphabet ( Ω ) into one.

Kass 25

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

The Sympathies Lettering

This is a lettering I created for the band, the Sympathies.

Kass Illustration 2

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan ampersand details

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono f

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Luttor Sript Spaghetti animation

This is an animation using Luttor Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly g details

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Virandek Logotype

This is a logo design using Cinke Sans for a Hungarian delivery company specialised in gifts and flowers.

Cinke Sans Eszett

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan Percent

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Flour House

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono At

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Custom Typface in Animation

This is an animation with a custom typface project.

Cinke Mono Keyboard 2

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Glass Type

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Specimen

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script At

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Poet&Vuj Lettering

This is an unsed lettering I made for the channel Poet&Vuj.

Cinke Mono Bird

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Specimen

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic with Coordinates

This is a sample fromPhechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Playground Logotype

This is a logotype based on Kass I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.

Handbuch des wahren Freundes – Lettering

This is an unused lettering I created for the cover of a book.

Cinke Sans Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Tarp

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Ampersand

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Variable Animation

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Code Sample

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen 2

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque with Coordinates

This is a sample from Phechque. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Keyboard

This is a render using Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan a Animation

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Bezier

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue f

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic Ampersand

This is a sample from Phechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Numbers

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Illustration 1

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Wrapped

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo Animation

This is an animation part of the rebranding of a design school in Békéscsaba.

Harkaly Ampersand

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly £65

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke TDC Award

Cinketype recieved a TDC award for Crow Script in 2024.

Phechque Modern 27

This is a sample from Phechque Modern. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Graphic

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cloudburst Logotype

This is a logotype I made for a Swiss, impact first clothing start-up.

Wittner Logotype

This is a lettering I created for a wheet beer label.

Savanyú Pecsenye Poster Design

This is a poster design I creeated for an event which was centered around the recipie book of the famous Hungarian type designer Nicholas Kis.

Poodle 'a' Lettering

This is a lettering I created as an experiment.

Playground Emblem

This is the emblem I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.


This is a logo we created in collaboration with my students for a school exhibition, CSONTVÁRY100 and NAPÚTFESTŐ100.

Herb Lubalin 100 Lettering

I created this lettering as a tribute to Herb Lubalin in 2018. It recieved the first prize of the MATT Lubalin100 event.

Iparty Logo

This is a logo we created for a design school event (Ipartraszállás) in Békéscsaba, while I was a teacher there.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo

This is the logo I've created for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Fajó Alkotó Sans

This is a custom font, we've created in collaboration with Hungarumlaut for the rebranding of the Fajó János Alkotóház, design school in Békéscsaba.

Zsolnay 165 Logo

This is a logo I created with my students for an exhibiton for the celebration of the famous Hungarian porcelain manufacturer Zsolnay's 165th year in business.

Alef / Omega Emblem

I was asked to design this combined glyph for a memorial plaque of a teacher, a couple of years ago. He was very religious in the beginning of his life, but later he turned to science. The idea was to draw a form that symbolises his journey by brining together the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet ( א ), with the last letter of the Greek alphabet ( Ω ) into one.

Kass 25

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

The Sympathies Lettering

This is a lettering I created for the band, the Sympathies.

Kass Illustration 2

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan ampersand details

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono f

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Luttor Sript Spaghetti animation

This is an animation using Luttor Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly g details

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Virandek Logotype

This is a logo design using Cinke Sans for a Hungarian delivery company specialised in gifts and flowers.

Cinke Sans Eszett

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan Percent

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Flour House

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono At

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Custom Typface in Animation

This is an animation with a custom typface project.

Cinke Mono Keyboard 2

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue Glass Type

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Specimen

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script At

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Poet&Vuj Lettering

This is an unsed lettering I made for the channel Poet&Vuj.

Cinke Mono Bird

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Specimen

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic with Coordinates

This is a sample fromPhechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Playground Logotype

This is a logotype based on Kass I designed for the Norwegian skatepark and action sport center Playground through the design studio, Studio Oker.

Handbuch des wahren Freundes – Lettering

This is an unused lettering I created for the cover of a book.

Cinke Sans Character Set

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Tarp

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Ampersand

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Variable Animation

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Code Sample

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Crow Script Specimen 2

This is a sample from Crow Script. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque with Coordinates

This is a sample from Phechque. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Keyboard

This is a render using Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Toucan a Animation

This is a sample from Toucan. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Mono Bezier

This is a sample from Cinke Mono. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Margaret Neue f

This is a sample from Margaret Neue. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Phechque Italic Ampersand

This is a sample from Phechque Italic. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly Numbers

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Illustration 1

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Kass Wrapped

This is a render using Kass. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Fajó Alkotóház Logo Animation

This is an animation part of the rebranding of a design school in Békéscsaba.

Harkaly Ampersand

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Harkaly £65

This is a sample from Harkaly Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke TDC Award

Cinketype recieved a TDC award for Crow Script in 2024.

Phechque Modern 27

This is a sample from Phechque Modern. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cinke Sans Graphic

This is a sample from Cinke Sans. Check out the full project by clicking on this card.

Cloudburst Logotype

This is a logotype I made for a Swiss, impact first clothing start-up.

about me

I’m Tibor Szikora, type designer from Hungary, working on type for more than a decade under the name of cinketype.

I’m specialized in producing custom typefaces and lettering. I have more than a decade of experience in graphic design, and branding. I’m also passionate about design education, and available for consultation in any of these topics.

licence cinke Mono

licensee company size

1 person


cinke mono

individual styles







Bold italic






full family

$300 $250



Licensee Company Name

your total price


Pay $250